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State Library of Florida, Florida Ephemera Collection
A 1920s brochure about Hollywood-by-the-Sea with information about the city's history, the hotels and apartments available there, golf, the Country Club and the ocean.
1924 (circa)
Geographic Term
Ocean Broad Walk, Easter Sunday, 1923
Ocean Front and Lagoons
Most Florida towns and cities along the East Coast are separated from ocean bathing beaches by intervening bays that must be spanned by long bridges and causeways. Hollywood is practically the only town or city in the State directly upon the ocean. No bay lies in front of it, nothing but the broad Atlantic.
Along a four-mile expanse of beautiful shore line will run a Broad Walk of concrete, thirty feet wide. More than a mile now completed. Bath houses and casinos, hotels and apartments, stores and shops and handsome cottages will soon convert Hollywood into an embryonic Atlantic City of the South.
Adjoining the beach to the west millions are being spent in developing a system of large artificial lakes and lagoons, where yachts and pleasure craft may cruise in placid waters along palm-fringed shores, past luxurious estates and beautiful homes.
Jacksonville, Florida
"By the Sea"
Hollywood-by-the-Sea Brochure, ca. 1924
Tourism -- Florida -- Hollywood
Land development
Cities and towns--History
A 1920s brochure about Hollywood-by-the-Sea with information about the city's history, the hotels and apartments available there, golf, the Country Club and the ocean.
State Library of Florida, Florida Ephemera Collection
Arnold Printing Company (Jacksonville, Fla.)
1924 (circa)
Florida Boom and Progressive Era (1900-1926)
Geographic Term
Hollywood (Fla.)
Broward County (Fla.)
Display Date
ca. 1924
Tourism And Attractions
Subject - Corporate
Hollywood Land and Water Company (Hollywood, Fla.)
Ocean Broad Walk, Easter Sunday, 1923
Ocean Front and Lagoons
Most Florida towns and cities along the East Coast are separated from ocean bathing beaches by intervening bays that must be spanned by long bridges and causeways. Hollywood is practically the only town or city in the State directly upon the ocean. No bay lies in front of it, nothing but the broad Atlantic.
Along a four-mile expanse of beautiful shore line will run a Broad Walk of concrete, thirty feet wide. More than a mile now completed. Bath houses and casinos, hotels and apartments, stores and shops and handsome cottages will soon convert Hollywood into an embryonic Atlantic City of the South.
Adjoining the beach to the west millions are being spent in developing a system of large artificial lakes and lagoons, where yachts and pleasure craft may cruise in placid waters along palm-fringed shores, past luxurious estates and beautiful homes.
Jacksonville, Florida
"By the Sea"
The Hollywood Hotel
Lobby (Hollywood Hotel)
New Hotel for 1924-25
Typical Hollywood Apartments
Hollywood-by-the-Sea, Florida
October (1924) Hollywood will celebrate its third birthday. Its years are few but its achievements are extraordinary, verging upon the phenomenal. From a pine forest to the beginnings of a beautiful, scientifically planned city in so short a time has elicited astonished comment from thousands of visitors, including trained engineers.
Hollywood is a city planned with vision and communicated by scientific engineering. All conveniences are provided -wide paved streets and water plants, adequate stores, shops and hotels, school and church facilities, with tropical sports in abundance to delight residents and visitors.
December, 1923, two thousand people were getting mail at the Hollywood post office.
Hollywood was one of the first cities in America to start with the zoning system, where adequate building restrictions protect home owners. All buildings in the central section are uniformly of stucco, with the Spanish style of architecture predominating.
Over $3,000,000 in new buildings scheduled for completion by June, 1925. Among others, two large beach hotels, a $250,000 bath house and casino, a commodious school building, a church, a woman's club house, a moving-picture theatre, and scores of residences and apartments.
Hollywood publishes a weekly newspaper and a monthly magazine in its own plant. It has a live chamber of commerce, and active women's club, and a parent-teachers' association.
Directly on the Atlantic Ocean and the Dixie Highway, seventeen miles north of Miami and fifty miles south of Palm Beach, Hollywood is favorably situated in one of the most rapidly growing sections of the United States, where summer reigns perpetually.
HOLLYWOOD AND WATER COMPANY, Developers Homeseekers Realty Company, Agents Executive Offices, Hollywood, Florida
Florida Offices: Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Daytona, West Palm Beach, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Tampa, Lakeland, Eustis, DeLand, Cocoa, Avon Park, 49 East Flagler St., Miami.
Hollywood Boulevard & Group of Business & Public Buildings
Hotels and Apartments
The Hollywood Hotel, conducted on the American plan, is well known to East Coast visitors in the vicinity of Miami for the excellence of the meals which it serves and the appealing hospitality which is dispenses. Every room is an outside room, overlooking the ocean to the east and beautiful Circle Park to the west. Close at hand is the Golf and Country Club, where guests may enjoy every golfing convenience.
The Hollywood particularly caters to those who seek restful surroundings and a touch of friendly intimacy not often found in large, over-crowded hostelries. Many reservations have already been made and early bookings will exhaust accommodations before next session is well under way.
A new hotel and eight apartment houses will provide increased accommodations for the season of 1924-25.
Golf is a sport which more and more is claiming addicts among old and young. Hollywood's 18-hole course is not too speedy for amateurs, and yet difficult enough to entertain professionals. It is doubtful if there is a better links in Florida. With a foundation largely of muck and marl soil, conductive to vigorous turf, the fairways are firm and the green well carpeted with velvety grass.
Golf and Country Club House
A glass dance floor, with constantly changing colors, open patios inside, where grass and palm trees are growing, wide triangular promenades connected by artistic old mission arches, are a few of the features which make Hollywood's Country Club house one of the most beautiful to be found anywhere.
Chicago Manual of Style
Hollywood-by-the-Sea Brochure, ca. 1924. 1924 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/331439>, accessed 15 February 2025.
Hollywood-by-the-Sea Brochure, ca. 1924. 1924 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 15 Feb. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/331439>
AP Style Photo Citation