Florida Memory is administered by the Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services, Bureau of Archives and Records Management. The digitized records on Florida Memory come from the collections of the State Archives of Florida and the special collections of the State Library of Florida.
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Personal Subjects
Allen, Joe (Joseph Bernard), 1914-2006.
Armstrong, Thomas H.
Arnold, J. Keith, 1959-
Bailey, Pat
Bankhead, Bill
Bell, Samuel P., III
Brantley, Bobby, 1948-.
Bronson, Bud, 1936-.
Brown, Corrine, 1946-.
Brown, Tom C.
Burke, Jim C. (James)
Burnsed, Beverly B.
Burrall, Fred
Carlton, Fran
Carpenter, Carl, Jr.
Casas, Roberto
Clark, Bill
Clements, Spud
Combee, Byron
Cortina, Humberto J.
Cosgrove, John F., 1949-.
Crady, George A., 1931-.
Crotty, Rich
Danson, Tom, Jr.
Dantzler, Rick
Davis, Helen Gordon, 1926-2015
Deratany, Tim, 1939-.
Deutsch, Peter R., 1957-.
Drage, Tom
Dudley, Fred R.
Dunbar, Pete
Easley, Betty Chapman, 1929-1994
Evans-Jones, Marilyn Bailey
Figg, Mary
Friedman, Michael
Gallagher, Tom, 1944-.
Gardner, Bud
Gordon, Elaine, 1931-2000.
Grant, John A., Jr.
Grindle, Art
Gustafson, Tom, 1950-.
Hanson, Carol G.
Hargrett, James
Harris, Bert J., 1919-
Hawkins, Larry, 1943-.
Hawkins, Mary Ellen, 1923-
Hazouri, Tommy (Thomas L.), 1944-
Healey, Ed, 1924-2000.
Hill, Jim
Hodges, Gene
Hollingsworth, Wayne, 1938-.
Jamerson, Douglas L., 1947-2001.
Johnson, Bo, 1928-
Johnson, Bob, 1934-.
Johnson, Ron
Jones, C. Fred
Jones, Dennis L., D.C., 1941-
Kelly, Everett A., 1926-.
Kutun, Barry
Lawson, Al, 1948-.
Lehman, David J., 1915-2000.
Lehtinen, Dexter W., 1946-.
Lewis, John W., III
Liberti, Ray
Lippman, Fred
Locke, Dick
Logan, Willie F., 1957-.
Mackenzie, Anne
Martin, Sid, 1919-1996.
Martinez, Elvin L., 1934-.
McEwan, Bruce
Meffert, Chris
Messersmith, Frank S., 1942-
Metcalf, Betty
Mills, Jon Lester, 1947-
Mitchell, Sam (Samuel W.), 1929-2003
Moffitt, H. Lee, 1941-.
Morgan, Herb, 1943-.
Morris, Allen Covington, 1909-2002
Murphy, Tim
Nergard, Chuck
Ogden, Carl
Pajcic, Steve
Patchett, R. Dale
Peeples, Vernon E.
Press, Steve
Ready, Gene
Reaves, Jeff
Reddick, Alzo J., 1937-.
Reynolds, Bob
Richmond, Ron
Robinson, Grover C., III, ca. 1944-2000.
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana, 1952-.
Sample, Dorothy Eaton, 1911-2002.
Sanderson, Debby, 1941-.
Selph, Carl
Shackelford, Larry
Shelley, Bob
Silver, Ron
Simon, Art
Simone, Peggy
Smith, Chuck
Spaet, Hal, 1945-.
Stewart, Ray, 1930-1986.
Thomas, John
Thompson, James Harold, 1944-.
Titone, Joe
Tobiassen, Tom, 1931-.
Tobin, Jack N.
Upchurch, Hamilton D.
Wallace, Peter Rudy
Ward, James G.
Watt, Jim
Webster, Daniel, 1949-.
Weinstock, Eleanor F., 1929-
Wetherell, Ginger Bass
Wetherell, T. K., 1945-.
Williams, Frank
Woodruff, Tom M.
Young, Walt
Corporate Subject
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General Note
In alphabetical order are Abrams, Allen, Armstrong, Arnold, Bailey, Bankhead, Bass, Bell, Brantley, Bronson, C. Brown, T. Brown, Burke, Burnsed, Burrall, Carlton, Carpenter, Casas, Clark, Clements, Combee, Cortina, Cosgrove, Crady, Crotty, Danson, Dantzler, Davis, Deratany, Deutsch, Drage, Dudley, Dunbar, Easley, Evans-Jones, H. Lee Moffitt (Speaker of the House), Figg, Friedman, Gallagher, Gardner, Gordon, Grant, Grindle, Gustafson, Hanson, Hargrett, Harris, L. Hawkins, M. Hawkins, Hazouri, Healey, Hill, Hodges, Hollingsworth, Jamerson, B. Johnson, R.C. Johnson.
R.M. Johnson, C. Jones, D. Jones, Kelly, Kutun, Lawson, Lehman, Lehtinen, Lewis, Liberti, Lippman, Locke, Logan, Mackenzie, Martin, Martinez, McEwan, Meffert, Messersmith, Metcalf, Mills, Mitchell, Moffitt, Morgan, Murphy, Nergard, Ogden, Pajcic, Patchett, Peeples, Press, Ready, Reaves, Reddick, Reynolds, Richmond, Robinson, Ros, Sample, Sanderson, Selph, Shackelford, Shelley, Silver, Simon, Simone, Smith, Spaet, Stewart, Thomas, Thompson, Titone, Tobiassen, Tobin, Upchurch, Wallace, Ward, Watt, Webster, Weinstock, Wetherell, Williams, Woodruff, Young.
At the top are also included: Allen Morris (Clerk of the House) and Wayne Westmark (Sergeant at Arms).
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Members of the 1982-1984 Florida House of Representatives. 1982 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/13031>, accessed 2 November 2024.
Members of the 1982-1984 Florida House of Representatives. 1982 (circa). State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 2 Nov. 2024.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/13031>