Florida Memory is administered by the Florida Department of State, Division of Library and Information Services, Bureau of Archives and Records Management. The digitized records on Florida Memory come from the collections of the State Archives of Florida and the special collections of the State Library of Florida.

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, M87- 27, Box 13
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Accompanying note: "RARE BUST - This bust of Adolph Hitler is valued at about $9,000 by its owner, Bill Bauer of Bay County. Bauer, retired Sergeant from the U.S. Air Force, paid about $100 for the bust in 1945. Before WWII when the Gestapo was building Hitler to power, they decided to have the bust made and placed in every town in Germany. To raise the money the Gestapo went to all the towns, large and small, and made the mayor put up $1,000. After the war the busts were either thrown away or remelted for use of the metal. Bauer estimated the value of the metal alone would be about $600. Bauer, a Bay County resident for 12 years, was in Germany on duty with the Air Force from 1945-55. He explained he bought the bust from a man on a street in Bremen, Germany, who wanted the money for food. The iron cross is symbolic of the one given Hitler when he was only a corporal by the Kaiser."

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Chicago Manual of Style
Adolf Hitler bust in Tallahassee. 1964. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/272113>, accessed 7 February 2025.
Adolf Hitler bust in Tallahassee. 1964. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 7 Feb. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/272113>
AP Style Photo Citation