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State Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink announcing at a news conference that she has reclaimed unneeded cellular phones, "BlackBerry" PDAs and computer air cards from employees of her agency.

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Accompanying note: "Sink, a Democratic candidate for governor in 2010, said her agency saved about $210,000 a year by cancelling contracts or renegotiating for better service plans -- and estimated that taxpayers could save several millions of dollars if all agencies made an inventory of who has high-tech equipment and why they need it."
"Shown with Alex Sink is Herb Yohner, administration director of her Division of Rehabilitation and Liquidation, who headed a Department of Financial Services team that spent six months investigating cell phone, air card and PDA assignment in the agency."

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Chicago Manual of Style
Cotterell, Bill. State Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink announcing at a news conference that she has reclaimed unneeded cellular phones, "BlackBerry" PDAs and computer air cards from employees of her agency. 2009-09-03. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/23771>, accessed 13 February 2025.
Cotterell, Bill. State Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink announcing at a news conference that she has reclaimed unneeded cellular phones, "BlackBerry" PDAs and computer air cards from employees of her agency. 2009-09-03. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. Accessed 13 Feb. 2025.<https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/23771>
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(State Archives of Florida/Cotterell)