14 items found
Keywords: "Milligan, Robert F., 1932-" (All words), Collection ID is exactly "11"
Sorted by Title
Portrait of Bob Milligan, Florida Comptroller

Portrait of Bob Milligan, Florida Comptroller

1990 (circa)
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
PT04726Governor John Ellis Bush and cabinet - Tallahassee, Florida.Portraits, Group--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Cabinet officers--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Public officers
Governors--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
PT04731Governor John Ellis Bush and cabinet - Tallahassee, Florida.Portraits, Group--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Cabinet officers--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Public officers
Governors--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
PT04819Group portrait of Governor John Ellis Bush with his cabinet - Tallahassee, Florida.Portraits, Group--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Cabinet officers--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Public officers
Governors--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
PT04032Portrait of Bob Milligan, Florida ComptrollerCabinet officers--Florida