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Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Geographic Term contains "Tomoka River "
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Florida and Havana: Queen and Crescent Route and Southern Railway, 1905

Florida and Havana: Queen and Crescent Route and Southern Railway, 1905

A booklet describing what passengers would see as they traveled along the Queen and Crescent Route to Cuba and Nassau. The booklet includes detailed information about the American Civil War history of the stops along the route in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky and Georgia; hotels where passengers could stay; attractions passengers could see in these cities; and images of both the hotels and the attractions. The end of the booklet describes the automatic electric block signal system used along the route and has the timetables for trains and steamships.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
flc_917.5-q3_01Florida and Havana: Queen and Crescent Route and Southern Railway, 1905TextRailroad trains
Railroad travel
Florida -- Description and travel
Florida -- Pictorial works