2 items found
Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Subject contains "Christian education"
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First Annual Session of the Florida Chautauqua program, 1885

First Annual Session of the Florida Chautauqua program, 1885

Program of the first annual session of the Florida Chautauqua at DeFuniak Springs.
"New Plans for the Uplift of a Race" by James E. Shepard, ca. 1908

"New Plans for the Uplift of a Race" by James E. Shepard, ca. 1908

1908 (circa)
Booklet written by James E. Shepard describing the need to establish a Bible school for African American students, a plan to establish the school, proposed locations of the school in South Carolina or North Carolina, and the buildings needed for the school. Includes letters of recommendation from different public figures, including Charles W. Fairbanks, vice president of the United States, and John C. Kilgo, president of Trinity College in Durham, North Carolina. Also includes a letter from Shepard to Florida Governor Napoleon Bonaparte Broward requesting the governor read the booklet.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
flc_374.9-f636-1885First Annual Session of the Florida Chautauqua program, 1885TextChautauquas -- Florida -- History
Adult education
Sunday schools
Christian education
Religious education
s664_b015_f06_01"New Plans for the Uplift of a Race" by James E. Shepard, ca. 1908TextAfrican Americans -- Education -- Florida
African Americans -- Study and teaching
Christian education
African Americans -- Religion