152 items found
Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Coverage contains "Florida during World War II (1939-1945)"
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World War II-era Fuel Oil Ration Stamps

World War II-era Fuel Oil Ration Stamps

Ration stamps issued by the U.S. Office of Price Administration during World War II to regulate the civilian consumption of fuel oil for furnaces and other household applications.
World War II-era Basic Mileage Gasoline Ration Stamps

World War II-era Basic Mileage Gasoline Ration Stamps

1942 (circa)
Ration stamps issued by the federal Office of Price Administration during World War II to regulate the civilian consumption of gasoline. The stamps were issued by rationing boards comprised of local citizen volunteers. This particular set of stamps belonged to A.S. Lawton of Arlington, Florida near Jacksonville.
World War II "V-J Day" Proclamation, 1945

World War II "V-J Day" Proclamation, 1945

V-J Day proclamation signed by Florida Governor Millard Caldwell proclaiming the 24 hours after the announcement of Japan's surrender during World War II as V-J Day. Governor Caldwell is calling for Floridians to maintain the "solemnity and dignity of the occasion" by avoiding "boisterous conduct." He urged all establishments that dispensed alcohol to close for twenty-four hours following the announcement of the surrender.
World War II Food Quiz, 1943

World War II Food Quiz, 1943

The food quiz on the front asks questions about the wartime food supply and food rationing. Answers to the questions are on the back.
Work on a Farm This Summer, Join the U.S. Crop Corps - poster

Work on a Farm This Summer, Join the U.S. Crop Corps - poster

Poster encouraging citizens to work on a farm during the summer months to help ease the ongoing farm labor shortage during World War II. The poster directed readers to see the nearest U.S. Employment Service location or a local county agent to learn more about joining the U.S. Crop Corps.
Women in the Service: Second WAAC Training Center, Daytona Beach, ca. 1942

Women in the Service: Second WAAC Training Center, Daytona Beach, ca. 1942

1942 (circa)
Booklet describing the Second Women's Army Auxiliary Corps Training Center located at Daytona Beach.
Winter Haven Florida, ca. 1945

Winter Haven Florida, ca. 1945

1945 (circa)
Brochure advertising Winter Haven and Polk County to potential visitors. The brochure includes photographs of the local airport, recreational facilities, waterways, and the local high school.
Which of These Is Your War Job? Poster, ca. 1943

Which of These Is Your War Job? Poster, ca. 1943

1943 (circa)
Poster with information about the war jobs available to women during World War II. Women can join as Army nurses, Navy nurses or cadet nurses, or in the Women's Army Corps (WAC), the Marines or in the United States Coast Guard (USCG) Women's Reserve (SPAR). The poster includes descriptions of who can join, where women could apply, what kind of work each job does, the pay for each position, and additional information.
What Women Do in the WAAC Poster, ca. 1943

What Women Do in the WAAC Poster, ca. 1943

1943 (circa)
Poster describing women's contributions in the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, as well as what they were typically paid. The poster describes typical duties and eligibility requirements.
What Uncle Sam Asks of You: General Orders for the Home Front, ca. 1942

What Uncle Sam Asks of You: General Orders for the Home Front, ca. 1942

1942 (circa)
Bulletin issued by the Office of War Information with cooperation from the State Defense Council of Florida regarding rationing of gas and foodstuffs during World War II.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
m87-16_b001_f02_02World War II-era Fuel Oil Ration StampsTextRationing--United States
World War, 1939-1945--United States
m87-16_b001_f02_01World War II-era Basic Mileage Gasoline Ration StampsTextRationing--United States
World War, 1939-1945--United States
s13_v015_309World War II "V-J Day" Proclamation, 1945TextWorld War, 1939-1945
World War II
V-J Day, 1945
s419_b020_f05_01World War II Food Quiz, 1943TextFood conservation
World War (1939-1945)
Community organization--Citizen participation
s1205_b001_f01_03Work on a Farm This Summer, Join the U.S. Crop Corps - posterTextFood supply
Civil defense
flc_355.348_s445_01Women in the Service: Second WAAC Training Center, Daytona Beach, ca. 1942TextWAAC Training Center (Daytona Beach, Fla.)
Military training camps
Armed Forces--Women
World War, 1939-1945--Women
United States--Army--Women's Army Auxiliary Corps--Photographs
United States--Army--WAAC Training Center, 2nd
United States--Army--Women
sle_polk_19Winter Haven Florida, ca. 1945TextTourism
City promotion
s1205_b001_f16_05Which of These Is Your War Job? Poster, ca. 1943TextNursing
Women in war
s1205_b001_f16_04What Women Do in the WAAC Poster, ca. 1943TextManpower
Women in war
s419_b041_f13_07What Uncle Sam Asks of You: General Orders for the Home Front, ca. 1942TextWorld War, 1939-1945
World War II
Consumer rationing
War--Economic aspects