152 items found
Collection ID is exactly "40" AND Coverage contains "Florida during World War II (1939-1945)"
Sorted by Identifier
Invisible Weapon, Lend-Lease Booklet 1944

Invisible Weapon, Lend-Lease Booklet 1944

Booklet explaining the Lend-Lease system for American soldiers from 1944. Fully illustrated infographic-like structure.
Women in the Service: Second WAAC Training Center, Daytona Beach, ca. 1942

Women in the Service: Second WAAC Training Center, Daytona Beach, ca. 1942

1942 (circa)
Booklet describing the Second Women's Army Auxiliary Corps Training Center located at Daytona Beach.
Handbook, Infantry Replacement Training Center Camp Blanding, 1944

Handbook, Infantry Replacement Training Center Camp Blanding, 1944

Guidebook to Camp Blanding when it was an Infantry Replacement Training Center during World War II. The booklet contains a detailed description of the services and facilities available to soldiers, expectations for their conduct and other vital information. An illustrated map of the base is included.
Map of Infantry Replacement Training Center Camp Blanding, 1944

Map of Infantry Replacement Training Center Camp Blanding, 1944

Foldable map of Infantry Replacement Training Center Camp Blanding in Clay County, Florida. The map shows the layout of the camp on Kingsley Lake, along with the locations of service clubs, post exchanges, transportation facilities and other important landmarks. The map was part of a booklet distributed to new arrivals at the base.
Guide to Pensacola, Florida: The Annapolis of the Air - booklet, ca. 1944

Guide to Pensacola, Florida: The Annapolis of the Air - booklet, ca. 1944

1944 (circa)
Booklet developed by the Pensacola Municipal Advertising Board to promote Pensacola to visitors and potential residents. The booklet contains information on Pensacola's history, local attractions, public utilities, recreational opportunities, military establishments, major industries, city bus routes, and other aspects of the area. The booklet includes a regional map and a detailed street map for downtown Pensacola. This map gives the location of a wide variety of churches, public buildings, and other major institutions.
Broadsides advertising meetings of the Annual Religious Conference of Triumph the Church and Kingdom of God in Christ, 1940-41

Broadsides advertising meetings of the Annual Religious Conference of Triumph the Church and Kingdom of God in Christ, 1940-41

A notice of the times and places the Congress will meet (1st through 9th). Florida meetings (4th through 9th) are scheduled for Marianna, Perry, Jacksonville, St. Petersburg, Ft. Pierce and Miami. Meetings will be held beginning November 1940 through January 1941.
Reprint of an editorial titled "This is War!!! Stop 'Griping and Go to Biting'" by Howard P. Macfarlane of Hillsborough County

Reprint of an editorial titled "This is War!!! Stop 'Griping and Go to Biting'" by Howard P. Macfarlane of Hillsborough County

Reprinted from The Saturday Evening News -- issue of February 21, 1942. Macfarlane is ''Chairman Hillsborough County [Fla.] Defense Council and Commander Civil Defense Corps.''
Reprint of an article titled "Make Big Money Growing Papayas"

Reprint of an article titled "Make Big Money Growing Papayas"

1943 (circa)
Broadside advertising the profitability of papaya production in Florida and the health benefits of eating papaya.
Advertisement from chemist H. Liscomb Miller of Tampa

Advertisement from chemist H. Liscomb Miller of Tampa

Advertisement from chemist H. Liscomb Miller of Tampa. On one side, Miller asks potential customers to either contact him about potential developments in specialty manufacturing or pass along the flier to someone who is interested. On the reverse side, Miller advertises a manufacturer's laboratory scale.
Advertisement for H. Liscomb Miller's "Messenger Formulas"

Advertisement for H. Liscomb Miller's "Messenger Formulas"

1940 (circa)
An advertisement encouraging the public to order H. Liscomb Miller & Son's "messenger formulas." Miller was a pharmaceutical developer and salesman.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
fed_w1_20-13Invisible Weapon, Lend-Lease Booklet 1944TextPropaganda, American
United States. Lend-Lease Act
World War, 1939-1945
flc_355.348_s445_01Women in the Service: Second WAAC Training Center, Daytona Beach, ca. 1942TextWAAC Training Center (Daytona Beach, Fla.)
Military training camps
Armed Forces--Women
World War, 1939-1945--Women
United States--Army--Women's Army Auxiliary Corps--Photographs
United States--Army--WAAC Training Center, 2nd
United States--Army--Women
flc_355.709759-i43_01Handbook, Infantry Replacement Training Center Camp Blanding, 1944TextUnited States. Army -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Military training camps
Military bases
flc_355.709759-i43_02Map of Infantry Replacement Training Center Camp Blanding, 1944TextUnited States. Army -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Military bases
Military training camps
flc_917.5999-g946_01Guide to Pensacola, Florida: The Annapolis of the Air - booklet, ca. 1944TextCity promotion
Place marketing
Municipal government--Public relations
flc_br0066Broadsides advertising meetings of the Annual Religious Conference of Triumph the Church and Kingdom of God in Christ, 1940-41TextChurch meetings/fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/flc_br0066.jpg
flc_br0067Reprint of an editorial titled "This is War!!! Stop 'Griping and Go to Biting'" by Howard P. Macfarlane of Hillsborough CountyTextCivil defense
World War (1939-1945)
flc_br0103Reprint of an article titled "Make Big Money Growing Papayas"TextTropical fruit industry/fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/flc_br0103.jpg
flc_br0204Advertisement from chemist H. Liscomb Miller of TampaTextRetail trade/fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/flc_br0204.jpg
flc_br0206Advertisement for H. Liscomb Miller's "Messenger Formulas"Text/fmp/selected_documents/thumbnails/flc_br0206.jpg