53 items found
Collection ID is exactly "37" AND Coverage is exactly "Florida's Early Statehood Period (1845-1861)"
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
fmc0058Key West Harbor Nautical Chart, 1852Harbors--Florida--Key West--Bathymetric maps.
Nautical charts--Florida--Key West.
Key West (Fla.)--Bathymetric maps.
fmc0062U.S. Coast Survey, Eastern St. George Sound Nautical Chart, 1859Sounds (Geomorphology)--Maps, Bathymetric.
Coasts--Florida--Maps, Bathymetric.
Nautical charts--Florida--Saint George's Sound.
Saint George's Sound--Maps, Bathymetric.
fmc0062aU.S. Coast Survey, Eastern St. George Sound Nautical Chart, 1858Sounds (Geomorphology)--Maps, Bathymetric.
Coasts--Florida--Maps, Bathymetric.
Nautical charts--Florida--Saint George's Sound.
Saint George's Sound--Maps, Bathymetric.
fmc0064St. George Sound Nauctical Chart, 1853Sounds (Geomorphology)--Maps, Bathymetric.
Coasts--Florida--Maps, Bathymetric.
Nautical charts--Florida--Saint George's Sound.
Saint George's Sound--Maps, Bathymetric.
fmc0065Entrance to St. Johns River Nautical Chart, 1853Rivers--Florida--Maps, Bathymetric.
Nautical charts--Florida--Saint Johns River--Maps, Bathymetric.
Saint Johns River--Maps, Bathymetric.
fmc0066Florida Reefs Nautical Charts, Key Biscayne to Pickles Reef, 1856Coral reefs and islands--Florida--Maps, Bathymetric.
Nautical charts--Florida--Florida Keys.
Florida --Maps, Bathymetric.
fmc0069St. Andrew's Bay Nautical Chart, 1855Nautical charts--Florida--Saint Andrew Bay.
Bays--Florida--Bathymetric maps.
Saint Andrew Bay (Fla.)--Bathymetric maps.
fmc0072St. Johns River Nautical Chart, Browns's Creek to Jacksonville, 1856Nautical charts--Florida--Saint Johns River.
Rivers--Florida--Bathymetric maps.
Saint Johns River--Bathymetric maps.
fmc0073U.S. Coast Survey, Tampa Bay Nautical Chart, 1855Nautical charts--Florida--Tampa Bay.
Bays--Florida--Bathymetric maps.
Tampa Bay (Fla.)--Bathymetric maps.
fmc0074aU.S. Coast Survey Map of West Coast of Florida, 1852Coasts--Florida--Maps.
Nautical charts--Florida--Gulf Coast.
Nautical charts--Florida--Florida Keys.