3 items found
Collection ID is exactly "11" AND Subject is exactly "Governors--Florida--Polk County--Lakeland"
Sorted by Title
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
N027033Dedicating Frances Langford Promenade in Lakeland..Public officers
Actresses--Florida--Polk County--Lakeland
Women entertainers
Entertainers--Florida--Polk County--Lakeland
Governors--Florida--Polk County--Lakeland
Dedications (Ceremonies)--Florida--Polk County--Lakeland
RC22637Governor Farris Bryant and Commissioner of Agriculture Doyle E. Conner examining bean crop - Lakeland, FloridaPlants--Frost damage
Frost--Physiological effect
Plants--Wounds and injuries
Plants--Effect of freezes on
Plants--Effect of temperature on
Plants, Effect of cold on
Crops--Wounds and injuries
Crops--Effect of temperature on
Crops--Effect of cold on
Beans--Wounds and injuries
Beans--Effect of temperature on
Beans--Effect of cold on
Governors--Florida--Polk County--Lakeland
Public officers
Cabinet officers--Florida--Polk County--Lakeland
RC06984Officials inspect Florida's freeze damaged fruit and vegetablesVegetable trade
Citrus fruit industry
Frost--Physiological effect
Plants--Frost damage
Plants--Wounds and injuries
Plants--Effect of freezes on
Plants--Effect of temperature on
Plants, Effect of cold on
Crops--Wounds and injuries
Crops--Effect of temperature on
Crops--Effect of cold on
Governors--Florida--Polk County--Lakeland
Public officers
Cabinet officers--Florida--Polk County--Lakeland