135 items found
Collection ID is exactly "11" AND Subject - Corporate is exactly "Ku Klux Klan"
Sorted by Title
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
PR77625View showing protester holding up a protest sign at a KKK rally on South Monroe Street in Tallahassee, Florida.Signs and signboards--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Demonstrations--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Hate groups
Secret societies
Protest posters
PR77597View showing part of the crowd gathered to protest the KKK rally on South Monroe Street in Tallahassee, Florida.Demonstrations--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Hate groups
Secret societies
Crowds--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
PR77608View showing men speaking with police during the KKK marching rally in Tallahassee, Florida.Hate groups
Secret societies
Police--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Peace officers--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Demonstrations--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Law enforcement--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
PR77585View showing KKK members on South Monroe Street during a rally in Tallahassee, Florida.Hate groups
Secret societies
Demonstrations--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
PR77573View showing KKK members marching north on South Monroe Street during a rally in Tallahassee, Florida.Hate groups
Secret societies
Demonstrations--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
PR77574View showing KKK members marching north on South Monroe Street during a rally in front of the Capitol building - Tallahassee, Florida.Hate groups
Secret societies
Demonstrations--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
PR77611View showing KKK members marching during their rally in Tallahassee, Florida.Hate groups
Secret societies
Flag bearers
Demonstrations--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
PR77596View showing KKK members being escorted by motorcycle police during rally on South Monroe Street in Tallahassee, Florida.Hate groups
Secret societies
Motorcycle police--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Police patrol--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Traffic police--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Demonstrations--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Law enforcement--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Peace officers--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
PR77587View showing KKK members being escorted by motorcycle police during rally on South Monroe Street in Tallahassee, Florida.Flag bearers
Law enforcement--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Peace officers--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Traffic police--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Police patrol--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Motorcycle police--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Secret societies
Hate groups
Demonstrations--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
PR77579View showing KKK members being escorted by motorcycle police during a rally in front of the Capitol building - Tallahassee, Florida.Flag bearers
Law enforcement--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Peace officers--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Traffic police--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Police patrol--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Motorcycle police--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee
Secret societies
Hate groups
Demonstrations--Florida--Leon County--Tallahassee