Boat Driver George Bower river tour at Wakulla Springs | Boat Driver George Bower river tour at Wakulla Springs | Still Image | Boats Tourism Tourists Springs Waterways Rivers Flora Fauna Oral performance Alligators Anhinga Birds Landscape Ecotourism Wildlife watching industry Storytellers Storytelling Workplace Workers Occupational groups Boat driver | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Boat Driver George Bower river tour at Wakulla Springs
- Date
- 1980
- Description
- One proof sheet with thirty-six black and white images. Images of a boat at Wakulla Springs, a popular tourist attraction located just south of Tallahassee. These images document George Bowers, originally of Macon, Georgia, giving a river boat tour. This tour travelled a mile or so down the Wakulla River to showcase the natural fauna and flora of the springs. In 1986, the site became a state park. 1-3, 5-8, 10-12, 15-18, 21-23: Geroge Bower giving tour; 4, 13-14: Alligator on river; 9: Anhinga (snake bird/water turkey); 19: Tarzan tree; 20: River view: 24-31: Springs and the tour boats: 32-36: Equipment in boat. Date: Fall 1980.
- Collection
Boat drivers at Wakulla Springs | Boat drivers at Wakulla Springs | Still Image | Tourists Tourism Ecotourism African Americans Fishes Boat drivers Boat driving Rivers Waterways Transportation Oral performance Nature Fauna Flora Birds Trees Amusement parks Wildlife watching industry Occupational groups Boat driver Tour guides (Persons) | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Boat drivers at Wakulla Springs
- Date
- 1980-10
- Description
- Eighty-one color slides. Images of Wakulla Springs boat drivers. Glass bottom boat tour over the deep springs had been going on since the late 1800s. Many of these drivers are descendents of those early drivers, and provide some of the same folk tales. One tale/feature was Henry the Pole Vaulting Fish, a bass fish that jumped over a pole (actually scratching its gills). The springs was developed as a tourist attraction in the 1930s (and became a Florida state park in 1987.) Drivers pictured: George Bower(640-657, 813-814); Jackson (765-781); Moretz (784-785); and Gavin (790-793). Henry the fish pictured in 759-763, 781. Also includes are images of the river, alligators, fish, cypress trees, and plant life.
- Collection
Boat tours at Wakulla Springs | Boat tours at Wakulla Springs | Still Image | Fieldwork Boats Boats and boating Boat drivers Boat driving Glass bottom boats Fishes Rivers Springs Transportation Docks Waterways Tour guides (Persons) Ecotourism Tourism Tourists Hotels Alligators Boat driver | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Boat tours at Wakulla Springs
- Date
- 1980-10
- Description
- Seventy-seven color slides. Images of boat tours at Wakulla Springs, a tourist attraction dating back to the 1930s. Many of the tours and features (such as the pole vaulting fish, a bass fish which rubs its gills on a wooden pole in the spring) date back to the 1800s. Images include the river, fauna and flora, the springs, the boat drivers and their boats, and the attraction's 1938 lodge. (Today the area is a state park.) Most of these images are duplicated in S 1577, v. 7, S81-741 - S81-820.
- Collection
Boatdriver George Bower giving a boat tour at Wakulla Springs | Boatdriver George Bower giving a boat tour at Wakulla Springs | Still Image | Tourism Tourists Ecotourism Oral performance Boats Transportation Parks Rivers Waterways Storytellers Storytelling Boat driver | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Boatdriver George Bower giving a boat tour at Wakulla Springs
- Date
- Description
- One black and white print. George Bower, of Macon, Georgia, giving a boat tour at Wakulla Springs, a popular tourist attraction located a few miles south of Tallahassee. Opened in the 1930s, the site became a state park in 1986.
- Collection
Hawk Jackson giving boat tour at Wakulla Springs | Hawk Jackson giving boat tour at Wakulla Springs | Still Image | African Americans Boats and boating Narratives Tall tales Storytelling Storytellers Oral performance Oral communication Rivers Springs Tourism Workplace Workers Labor Glass bottom boats Ecotourism Wildlife watching industry Boat driver Tour guides (Persons) | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Hawk Jackson giving boat tour at Wakulla Springs
- Date
- 1980
- Description
- Black and white 9.5 x 14 inch mounted photographic print. Images of Wakulla Springs, a popular tourist located just south of Tallahassee that offered boat tours and lodging. One of the features on the tours was Henry the Fish, a bass fish that would appear to jump over a pole when called. Hawk Jackson died in 2001.
- Collection
Wakulla River | Wakulla River | Still Image | Rivers Waterways Landscape Flora Fauna | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Wakulla River
- Date
- 1982-10
- Description
- One black and white print.
- Collection
Wakulla Springs boat tours | Wakulla Springs boat tours | Still Image | Tourism Tourists Boats and boating Waterways Rivers Springs Flora Fauna African Americans Oral performance Glass bottom boats Ecotourism Wildlife watching industry Folklore Storytellers Storytelling Workplace Occupational groups Boat driver | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Wakulla Springs boat tours
- Date
- 1980
- Description
- One proof sheet with thirty-six black and white images. Images of Wakulla Springs, a popular tourist attraction located just south of Tallahassee that offered boat tours and lodging. One of the features on the tours was Henry the Fish, a bass fish that would appear to jump over a pole when called. In 1986, the site became a state park. Hawk Jackson died in 2001. 1-19: Boatdriver Wilbert Gavin giving a river boat tour; 20-36: Boatdriver Hawk Jackson giving a glass bottom boat tour over Wakulla Springs.
- Collection
Wakulla Springs tourist attraction | Wakulla Springs tourist attraction | Still Image | Tourism Boats Springs Transportation Waterways Tourists Buildings Architecture Park lodging facilities Hotels Fishes African Americans Oral performance Ecotourism Glass bottom boats Wildlife watching industry Storytellers Storytelling Boat driver | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Wakulla Springs tourist attraction
- Date
- 1980
- Description
- One proof sheet with thirty-six black and white images. Images of Wakulla Springs, a popular tourist attraction located just south of Tallahassee that offered boat tours and lodging. One of the features on the tours was Henry the Fish, a bass fish that would appear to jump over a pole when called. In 1986, the site became a state park. Hawk Jackson died in 2001. 1-11: Boat driver Hawk Jackson giving a glass boat tour; 12-15: Wakulla Springs Lodge; 16-23: Young boat driver (unidentified); 24-31: Henry the Pole-Vaulting Fish 32-36: Seminole corn baskets. Date: Fall 1980.
- Collection