Hoop netting in the St. Johns River | Hoop netting in the St. Johns River | Still Image | Fieldwork Boats and boating Fishing nets Fishing Rivers Waterways Fishes Occupational groups Labor Fisheries Fishing tackle Fishing Equipment and supplies Fish traps Fishers | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Hoop netting in the St. Johns River
- Date
- 1985-02-27
- Description
- 117 color slides. Images of fisher Jackie Bennett hoop netting in the St. Johns River, then sorting, weighing, and hauling his catch for market. A hoop net is a fish trap made of several wooden or metal hoops of decreasing diameter joined by cotton netting that was made for river use. It was tied to an underwater mooring, then allowed to sit for several days before they were raised. These images are of Bennett raising the nets after several days. The boat was built by Myron Warr. In winter 1985, the Bureau contracted with two folklorists to conduct a folk arts survey of the St. Johns River basin in northeastern Florida. The St. Johns River is the largest and most used river in Florida, supporting much river commerce as well as a modest amount of commercial fishing. Folklorists Mary Anne McDonald and Kathleen Figgen conducted the survey from January through March 1985 under the direction of Folklife Coordinator Blanton Owen and Bureau Chief Ormond Loomis. Documentation compiled in the survey was used to prepare and present the 'St. Johns River Basin Folklife Area' at the 1985 Florida Folk Festival.
- Collection
Images of 1920s-era photographs of the St. Johns River | Images of 1920s-era photographs of the St. Johns River | Still Image | Fishers Fieldwork Photography Banjoes Tugboats Steamboats Advertisements Schooners Rivers Boats and boating Johnboats Fish traps Maritime life String instruments Children | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Images of 1920s-era photographs of the St. Johns River
- Date
- 1920
- Description
- One proof sheet, with 21 black and whites images (plus negatives). Four images from the collection of Joe Newman Mullis, including two of May Mullis playing a cigar-box banjo; and two of her father Will Mullis working on a tugboat. Twelve images of the St. Johns River from the Putnam County Archives. And the last five images are of fisher Eddie Oxendine's boat and crab traps. In winter 1985, the Bureau contracted with two folklorists to conduct a folk arts survey of the St. Johns River basin in northeastern Florida. The St. Johns River is the largest and most used river in Florida, supporting much river commerce as well as a modest amount of commercial fishing. Folklorists Mary Anne McDonald and Kathleen Figgen conducted the survey from January through March 1985 under the direction of Folklife Coordinator Blanton Owen and Bureau Chief Ormond Loomis. Documentation compiled in the survey was used to prepare and present the St. Johns River Basin Folklife Area at the 1985 Florida Folk Festival.
- Collection
a_s1714_04_tape36 | Interview with bluegrass performer Don Adams | Sound | Fieldwork Sound recording Oral histories Bluegrass music Musicians Life histories Singers Performers Musical groups Oral narratives Interviews Bluegrass musicians | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/audio.jpg |
Interview with bluegrass performer Don Adams
- Date
- 1985-02-12
- Description
- One audio cassette. Interview with bluegrass performer Don Adams, leader of the Adams Family Band, a bluegrass group. Not part of the local tradition, the group learned its skills from records and revivalists. They first played the Florida Folk Festival in 1979. The band consists of Don's brothers and sons. The discussion centers on how the band formed, how it learned its craft, and the various influences upon it. Adams was born and raised in Palatka. In winter 1985, the Bureau contracted with two folklorists to conduct a folk arts survey of the St. Johns River basin in northeastern Florida. The St. Johns River is the largest and most used river in Florida, supporting much river commerce as well as a modest amount of commercial fishing. Folklorists Mary Anne McDonald and Kathleen Figgen conducted the survey from January through March 1985 under the direction of Folklife Coordinator Blanton Owen and Bureau Chief Ormond Loomis. Documentation compiled in the survey was used to prepare and present the 'St. Johns River Basin Folklife Area' at the 1985 Florida Folk Festival.
- Collection
a_s1714_03_tape27 | Interview with commercial fisher Dave Sheffield | Sound | Fieldwork Interviews Interviewing Occupational folklore Occupational groups Labor Maritime folklore Seafood gathering Casting (Fishing) Oral narratives Oral histories Fishing Fishing Equipment and supplies Family history Saltwater fishing African Americans Maritime life Fishing tackle Seining Water hyacinth Flora Fishers | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_audio.jpg |
Interview with commercial fisher Dave Sheffield
- Date
- 1985-02-05
- Description
- One audio cassette. Interview with commercial fisher Sheffield about fishing, types of tackle and methods, growing up in Satsuma, boating, fishes, market prices, changes to the St. Johns River, and the effects of water hyacinth on fish. For an interview with employers, co-workers, and the Schmidts, see tapes 28-29. In winter 1985, the Bureau contracted with two folklorists to conduct a folk arts survey of the St. Johns River basin in northeastern Florida. The St. Johns River is the largest and most used river in Florida, supporting much river commerce as well as a modest amount of commercial fishing. Folklorists Mary Anne McDonald and Kathleen Figgen conducted the survey from January through March 1985 under the direction of Folklife Coordinator Blanton Owen and Bureau Chief Ormond Loomis. Documentation compiled in the survey was used to prepare and present the 'St. Johns River Basin Folklife Area' at the 1985 Florida Folk Festival.
- Collection
a_s1714_04_tape40 | Interview with fisher A.P. Oliver | Sound | Fieldwork Interviewing Interviews Sound recording Fishing Occupational groups Fisheries Fishing baits Tourism Hunting Fishing tackle Life histories Oral histories Oral narratives Fishing Equipment and supplies Fishing reels Fishers | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/audio.jpg |
Interview with fisher A.P. Oliver
- Date
- 1985-02-16
- Description
- Two audio cassettes. Interview with former fisher and fish house owner Oliver. Born in Oklahoma, he moved to Florida in 1910. He discusses family history; raising hogs; hunting; bass fishing; working as a fish guide since the 1930s; sports fishing; feuds between sports and commercial fishers; Florida weather; bait; and fishing tackle. In winter 1985, the Bureau contracted with two folklorists to conduct a folk arts survey of the St. Johns River basin in northeastern Florida. The St. Johns River is the largest and most used river in Florida, supporting much river commerce as well as a modest amount of commercial fishing. Folklorists Mary Anne McDonald and Kathleen Figgen conducted the survey from January through March 1985 under the direction of Folklife Coordinator Blanton Owen and Bureau Chief Ormond Loomis. Documentation compiled in the survey was used to prepare and present the 'St. Johns River Basin Folklife Area' at the 1985 Florida Folk Festival.
- Collection
a_s1714_04_tape39 | Interview with fisher Claude DeGolyer | Sound | Fieldwork Interviewing Interviews Sound recording Folk dance Occupational groups Churches Music Family history Old time music Religion Life histories Oral histories Oral narratives Carpenters Fishers | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/audio.jpg |
Interview with fisher Claude DeGolyer
- Date
- 1985-02-14
- Description
- One audio cassette. Interview with former fisher Degolyer in his trailer. Born in Kentucky, he moved to Florida when he was four by mule-drawn wagon. He grew up on Lake Okeechobee. He discusses family history; the 1926 hurricane; life in Moore Haven; boatmaking; playing music; and local dances. In winter 1985, the Bureau contracted with two folklorists to conduct a folk arts survey of the St. Johns River basin in northeastern Florida. The St. Johns River is the largest and most used river in Florida, supporting much river commerce as well as a modest amount of commercial fishing. Folklorists Mary Anne McDonald and Kathleen Figgen conducted the survey from January through March 1985 under the direction of Folklife Coordinator Blanton Owen and Bureau Chief Ormond Loomis. Documentation compiled in the survey was used to prepare and present the 'St. Johns River Basin Folklife Area' at the 1985 Florida Folk Festival.
- Collection
a_s1714_03_tape28 | Interview with the Schmidts, a commercial fishing family | Sound | Fieldwork Interviews Interviewing Occupational folklore Occupational groups Labor Maritime folklore Seafood gathering Casting (Fishing) Oral narratives Oral histories Fishing Fishing Equipment and supplies Family history Saltwater fishing Water hyacinth Maritime life Fishing tackle Crabbing Fishers | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_audio.jpg |
Interview with the Schmidts, a commercial fishing family
- Date
- 1985-02-06
- Description
- Two audio cassettes. Interview with a commercial fishing family, the Schmidts (father Jerome, wife Bernice, and daughter Francis). Discusses fishing, the St. Johns River, crabbing, fishing tackle and methods, fishing in Illinois and Louisiana, moving to Florida, water hyacinth, and changes to the industry. Sheffield talks about fishing, types of tackle and methods, growing up in Satsuma, boating, fish, market prices, changes to the St. Johns River, and the effects of water hyacinth on fish. For an interview with co-worker Sheffield, see tape 27. In winter 1985, the Bureau contracted with two folklorists to conduct a folk arts survey of the St. Johns River basin in northeastern Florida. The St. Johns River is the largest and most used river in Florida, supporting much river commerce as well as a modest amount of commercial fishing. Folklorists Mary Anne McDonald and Kathleen Figgen conducted the survey from January through March 1985 under the direction of Folklife Coordinator Blanton Owen and Bureau Chief Ormond Loomis. Documentation compiled in the survey was used to prepare and present the 'St. Johns River Basin Folklife Area' at the 1985 Florida Folk Festival.
- Collection
Lee and Peggy Kelly performing at the Florida Folk Festival | Lee and Peggy Kelly performing at the Florida Folk Festival | Still Image | Musicians Folk festivals Folklore revival festivals Singing Music performance Musical instruments Singers | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
a_s1714_04_tape52 | Morning service at Morning Star Baptist Church | Sound | Fieldwork Sound recordings Religion Church services Churches Religious rites Religious music Protestants Christianity Preachers Sermons | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_audio.jpg |
Morning service at Morning Star Baptist Church
- Date
- 1985-02-24
- Description
- Two audio cassettes. Recording of a morning service. Some audio problems persist at the start of the first tape. In winter 1985, the Bureau contracted with two folklorists to conduct a folk arts survey of the St. Johns River basin in northeastern Florida. The St. Johns River is the largest and most used river in Florida, supporting much river commerce as well as a modest amount of commercial fishing. Folklorists Mary Anne McDonald and Kathleen Figgen conducted the survey from January through March 1985 under the direction of Folklife Coordinator Blanton Owen and Bureau Chief Ormond Loomis. Documentation compiled in the survey was used to prepare and present the 'St. Johns River Basin Folklife Area' at the 1985 Florida Folk Festival.
- Collection
Mt. Carmel Baptist Church Choir playing at the 1977 Florida Folk Festival | Mt. Carmel Baptist Church Choir playing at the 1977 Florida Folk Festival | Still Image | Choirs (music) Pianos Children Religious music Choir singing African Americans Christianity Singers | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |