1914 WWI Bomber plane at the Orlando International Airport | 1914 WWI Bomber plane at the Orlando International Airport | Still Image | Material culture Transportation Exhibits Machinery Airplanes Aircraft | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Apalachicola oysterers | Apalachicola oysterers | Still Image | Fieldwork Occupational groups Oyster fisheries Oyster industries Boats and boating Skiffs Maritime life Labor Transportation Waterways Saltwater fishing Workers Fishers | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Apalachicola oysterers
- Date
- 1986-10-30
- Description
- Twenty-two color slides. Between 1986 and 1987, a partnership between the Florida Folklife Program and the American Folk Center created the Maritime Heritage Survey Project. Focusing on the Gulf and Atlantic fishing cultures, and utilizing photographs, slides, oral histories, and on-site interviews, the survey climaxed with a demonstration area at the 1987 Florida Folk Festival. The three main researchers were Nancy Nusz, Merri Belland, and project director David Taylor. Additional information on the project can be found in Taylor's project files in S 1716.
- Collection
Bateau boat built by Mitch Free | Bateau boat built by Mitch Free | Still Image | Boats Johnboats Transportation Boatbuilding Material culture Carpentry Woodwork Boatbuilders | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Belle of the Suwannee boat rides | Belle of the Suwannee boat rides | Still Image | Boats Boats and boating Rivers Waterways Transportation Tourism Tourists Signs (commercial) Signs and signboards | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Boat builder Glen Simmons on his Evergaldes skiff | Boat builder Glen Simmons on his Evergaldes skiff | Still Image | Fieldwork Wetlands Natural areas National parks and reserves Boats and boating Skiffs Transportation Waterways Wilderness areas National protected areas systems Woodwork Boatbuilders | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Boat builder Glen Simmons on his Evergaldes skiff
- Date
- 1989-03-25
- Description
- Sixty color slides. Images of Simmons demonstrating his wooden skiff in the Everglades. Simmons was one of the last makers of wooden Everglades skiffs, which were used to fish and hunt in the shallow wetlands of South Florida. A self described 'gladesman,' Simmons grew up near the Everglades hunting, boating, and fishing. His skiff measures 18-18 feet, and are 2 feet wide. They are flat bottomed and propelled with use of a pole by a driver standing up in the boat's middle. Simmons began building them at age 12. He is also the author of a book, 'Gladesmen' from 1998. For an interview of Simmons, see S 1576, T86-2 and T86-3 (C86-48).
- Collection
Boat builder Glen Simmons with his apprentice Donald Edward | Boat builder Glen Simmons with his apprentice Donald Edward | Still Image | Fieldwork Boatbuilding Skiffs Transportation Waterways Boats and boating Material culture Woodwork Woodworking tools Workshops Wood craft Wetlands Apprentices Boatbuilders | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Boat builder Glen Simmons with his apprentice Donald Edward
- Date
- 1992
- Description
- Seven proof sheets with 226 black and white images (plus negatives). Images of Simmons and Ogden building an Everglades skiff. Also of Simmons boating in the Everglades. For more information see S 1644, box 10, folder 11. The Folk Arts Apprenticeship Program began in 1983 with a NEA grant of $22,000. The program provided an opportunity for master folk artists to share technical skills and cultural knowledge with apprentices in order to keep the tradition alive. Apprentices must have had some experience in the tradition and agreed to train for at least six months. The first project director was Blanton Owen, later replaced by first folklorist Peter Roller, then folklorist Robert Stone. The program was continued each year through 2004.
- Collection
Boat builder Glen Simmons with his apprentice Donald Edward | Boat builder Glen Simmons with his apprentice Donald Edward | Still Image | Fieldwork Boatbuilding Skiffs Transportation Waterways Boats and boating Material culture Woodwork Woodworking tools Workshops Wood craft Wetlands Apprentices Boatbuilders | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Boat builder Glen Simmons with his apprentice Donald Edward
- Date
- 1992
- Description
- 121 color slides. Images of Simmons and Ogden building an Everglades skiff. Also of Simmons boating in the Everglades. For more information see S 1644, box 10, folder 11. The Folk Arts Apprenticeship Program began in 1983 with a NEA grant of $22,000. The program provided an opportunity for master folk artists to share technical skills and cultural knowledge with apprentices in order to keep the tradition alive. Apprentices must have had some experience in the tradition and agreed to train for at least six months. The first project director was Blanton Owen, later replaced by first folklorist Peter Roller, then folklorist Robert Stone. The program was continued each year through 2004.
- Collection
Boat driver Richard Strube giving tours at Homosassa Springs | Boat driver Richard Strube giving tours at Homosassa Springs | Still Image | Boats Transportation Rivers Waterways Wildlife watching industry Ecotourism Tourists Fauna Flora Storytellers Storytelling Oral communication Tourism Occupational groups Labor Workers Boat driver | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Boat driver Richard Strube giving tours at Homosassa Springs
- Date
- 1980
- Description
- One proof sheet with thirty-six black and white images. Images of a boat tour at Homosassa Springs, a popular tourist attraction on the Gulf Coast. These images document a typical river boat tour at the park. In the mid-1980s, the site became a state park. Date: Fall 1980.
- Collection
Boat drivers at Wakulla Springs | Boat drivers at Wakulla Springs | Still Image | Tourists Tourism Ecotourism African Americans Fishes Boat drivers Boat driving Rivers Waterways Transportation Oral performance Nature Fauna Flora Birds Trees Amusement parks Wildlife watching industry Occupational groups Boat driver Tour guides (Persons) | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Boat drivers at Wakulla Springs
- Date
- 1980-10
- Description
- Eighty-one color slides. Images of Wakulla Springs boat drivers. Glass bottom boat tour over the deep springs had been going on since the late 1800s. Many of these drivers are descendents of those early drivers, and provide some of the same folk tales. One tale/feature was Henry the Pole Vaulting Fish, a bass fish that jumped over a pole (actually scratching its gills). The springs was developed as a tourist attraction in the 1930s (and became a Florida state park in 1987.) Drivers pictured: George Bower(640-657, 813-814); Jackson (765-781); Moretz (784-785); and Gavin (790-793). Henry the fish pictured in 759-763, 781. Also includes are images of the river, alligators, fish, cypress trees, and plant life.
- Collection
Boat tours at Homosassa Springs | Boat tours at Homosassa Springs | Still Image | Tourists Tourism Ecotourism African Americans Springs Boat drivers Boat driving Rivers Waterways Transportation Oral performance Nature Fauna Flora Birds Trees Amusement parks Wildlife watching industry Occupational groups Boat driver Tour guides (Persons) | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Boat tours at Homosassa Springs
- Date
- 1980-10
- Description
- Forty-two color slides. Images of Homosassa Springs boat tours and drivers. Homosassa Springs has been a tourist attraction since the 1920s. The incarnation of the attraction seen in these images dates from the 1960s. (The area is now a Florida state park.) Images are of the boat drivers ( Richard Strube, Cecil Johnson and Raymond Thompson) and the facilties, springs, fish, and tourists. Recordings of these tours can be found in S 1576, box 5.
- Collection