a_s1576_14_c84-073 | Seminar on folklife for teachers | Sound | Seminars Conferences and seminars series Classrooms Teaching of folklore Teachers Education Oral education Occupational training Fieldwork (educational method) Educators Folklorists | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_audio.jpg |
Seminar on folklife for teachers
- Date
- 1983-07-18
- Description
- Seven audio cassettes. C84-73: Nancy Nusz (facilitator); Ormond Loomis, Peggy Bulger, and Barbara Beauchamp discuss Florida Folklife history; history of the Florida Folklife Festival; and answer questions. C84-74: Nancy Nusz (facilitator); Barbara Beauchamp and Peggy Bulger discuss the history of the Florida Folk Festival; history of Florida Folklife; Stephen Foster Music Days; and answer questions. C84-75: Peggy Bulger, Nancy Nusz, and Betty [last name?] answer questions and discuss Dwight Devane's book; Tom Smith; Folk Arts in Education; Folklife catalog. C84-76: Nancy Nusz and teachers discuss tobacco; tobacco and modern technology; black-eyed peas; plays clips of field tapes from Nancy Nusz's work in Madison County (singing, quilters, furniture maker, fiddle player, agriculture, cane syrup, Louise Sanders). C84-77: Self-introduction of all the participants in the seminar (specific names are listed on the index sheet, but I omitted them here); folklorists present included Nancy Nusz and Merri Belland. At the end, Merri Belland talks about how to identify a Folk Artist. C84-78: Merri Belland and teachers discuss how to identify folk artists; showing of baskets; question and answer; Pharoah; Nancy Nusz gives an explanation of folklore; Merri talks about Pharoah; Nancy talks about Guy Labree; question and answer between teachers and Merri and Nancy; Merri discusses folk aesthetic; examples of folk artists; Nancy talks about how to bring folk artists into the classroom; teacher asks about Thelma Boltin; nancy talks about money; talk; travel; honorarium; media. C84-79: Nancy Nusz and teachers discuss contracts; collections/fieldwork; alligator wrestling; research/collection; how to do interviews; Merri Belland discusses foodways.
- Collection
Basket maker Mebelen Holloway teaching pine needle basket making to Hamilton County High School students | Basket maker Mebelen Holloway teaching pine needle basket making to Hamilton County High School students | Still Image | Basket maker Education Students Classrooms Schools Teaching of folklore Basket making Basketry Teachers Teenagers Pine needle crafts | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Basket maker Mebelen Holloway teaching pine needle basket making to Hamilton County High School students
- Date
- Description
- Sixteen color slides. Students making baskets under the tutelage of Holloway. Images also incldue teacher Hargrett helping students The Folk Arts in Schools Project in Columbia and Hamilton County was a joint venture between the county school systems and the Florida Folklife Program. The project consisted of field research to identify local traditions and folk artists, and in-school programs conducted by a folklorist and traditionalist, which included visits by local folk artists.
- Collection
Folk Arts program at Niblack Elementary School | Folk Arts program at Niblack Elementary School | Still Image | Musicians Education Classrooms Schools Teaching of folklore Fiddlers Fiddling Teachers Children Elementary schools Artifacts Guitarists Students | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Folk Arts program at Niblack Elementary School
- Date
- 1981-11-18
- Description
- Twenty-four color slides. Educational folklife program in which stduents brought in family traditional artifactas, and musicians Huggins (guitar) and Sconyers (fiddle) played old-time music.The Folk Arts in Schools Project in Columbia and Hamilton County was a joint venture between the county school systems and the Florida Folklife Program. The project consisted of field research to identify local traditions and folk artists, and in-school programs conducted by a folklorist and traditionalist, which included visits by local folk artists.
- Collection
Golden Age Project program at Niblack Elementary School | Golden Age Project program at Niblack Elementary School | Still Image | Education Teaching of folklore Elderly, the Classrooms Elementary schools Teachers Children Demonstrations Students | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Golden Age Project program at Niblack Elementary School
- Date
- 1981-11-24
- Description
- Six color slides. Older residents answering student questions about traditional crafts. The Folk Arts in Schools Project in Columbia and Hamilton County was a joint venture between the county school systems and the Florida Folklife Program. The project consisted of field research to identify local traditions and folk artists, and in-school programs conducted by a folklorist and traditionalist, which included visits by local folk artists.
- Collection
Hamilton Middle School students at Oliver Hunter's farm | Hamilton Middle School students at Oliver Hunter's farm | Still Image | Turpentiners Fieldwork Farms Agricultural implements Agriculture Plows Turpentining Trees Teachers Teaching of folklore Demonstrations Tools Occupational groups Farmers Students Teenagers | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Hamilton Middle School students at Oliver Hunter's farm
- Date
- 1982-04-23
- Description
- One proof sheet with 17 black and white images (plus negatives) Location of Hunter's property is unidentifed. For more images of Hunter's tools, see S 1577, volume 11, slides S82-1016 - S82-1040. The Folk Arts in Schools Project in Columbia and Hamilton County was a joint venture between the county school systems and the Florida Folklife Program. The project consisted of field research to identify local traditions and folk artists, and in-school programs conducted by a folklorist and traditionalist, which included visits by local folk artists.
- Collection
Lydia and the Pinkhams | Lydia and the Pinkhams | Still Image | Teacher Folk festivals Folklore revival festivals Guitarists Singing Performing arts Musical instruments Singers Musicians Teachers Musical groups | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Lydia and the Pinkhams
- Date
- 1974
- Description
- Two black and white prints. A musical group of music teachers singing novelty folk songs. Images are of them at the 1974 and 1977 Florida Folk Festival.
- Collection
Seminole teacher Nancy Billie | Seminole teacher Nancy Billie | Still Image | Seminole Indians Mikasuki Indians Native Americans Teachers Occupational groups Indian reservations Women Teacher | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Seminole teacher Nancy Billie
- Date
- 1989-01
- Description
- Three color slides. Nancy Billie, daughter of Lottie Shore of Brighton Seminole Reservation, was a teacher at Okeechobee High School, in Okeechobee, Florida. Similar images can be found in S 1577, v. 49 and v 50. The images were created in part for use in an exhibit on Seminole culture at the Museum of Florida History. An interview with Billie can be found in S 1595, box 2, tapes 3-4.
- Collection
Seminole teacher Nancy Billie | Seminole teacher Nancy Billie | Still Image | Seminole Indians Mikasuki Indians Native Americans Teachers Occupational groups Indian reservations Women Teacher | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Seminole teacher Nancy Billie
- Date
- 1989-01
- Description
- Seventeen color slides. Nancy Billie, daughter of Lottie Shore of Brighton Seminole Reservation, was a teacher at Okeechobee High School, in Okeechobee, Florida. Similar images can be found in S 1577, v. 48 and v 50. The images were created in part for use in an exhibit on Seminole culture at the Museum of Florida History. An interview with Billie can be found in S 1595, box 2, tapes 3-4.
- Collection
Seminole teacher Nancy Billie | Seminole teacher Nancy Billie | Still Image | Seminole Indians Mikasuki Indians Native Americans Teachers Occupational groups Indian reservations Women Teacher | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Seminole teacher Nancy Billie
- Date
- Description
- One color slide. Nancy Billie, daughter of Lottie Shore of Brighton Seminole Reservation, was a teacher at Okeechobee High School, in Okeechobee, Florida. Similar images can be found in S 1577, v. 48 and v 49. The images were created in part for use in an exhibit on Seminole culture at the Museum of Florida History. An interview with Billie can be found in S 1595, box 2, tapes 3-4.
- Collection
Seminole teacher Nancy Billie with a mother of a student | Seminole teacher Nancy Billie with a mother of a student | Still Image | Seminole Indians Mikasuki Indians Native Americans Teachers Occupational groups Indian reservations Women Students Teacher | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_photo.jpg |
Seminole teacher Nancy Billie with a mother of a student
- Date
- 1989-01
- Description
- Sixteen color slides. Images of teacher Nancy Billie with a mother of a student at Okeechobee High School. Billie, daughter of Lottie Shore of Brighton Seminole Reservation, was a teacher at Okeechobee High School, in Okeechobee, Florida. The images were created in part for use in an exhibit on Seminole culture at the Museum of Florida History. An interview with Billie can be found in S 1595, box 2, tapes 3-4.
- Collection