a_s1576_01_c77-005a | Greek Orthodox Epiphany Day Church Service at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church | Sound | Greek Americans Catholics Church services Special events Churches Christianity Religion Religious rites Sermons Epiphany | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/audio.jpg |
Greek Orthodox Epiphany Day Church Service at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
- Date
- 1976-01-06
- Description
- One audio cassette. Recording of a epiphany day service. The Epiphany of Our Lord is a Christian rite celebrated within the Eastern Orthodox faith. Epiphany is a Greek word meaning to make known, and refers to the visit of the Magi to Christ, thereby making him known to the world. It is the climax of the twelve days of Christmas. Tarpon Springs boasts a large Greek American community.
- Collection
a_s1576_t90-072 | Greek Dance Workshop at the 1990 Florida Folk Festival (Florida Folklife Area) | Sound | Orators Folk festivals Folklore revival festivals Festivals Special events Workshops (Adult education) Demonstrations Greek Americans Holidays and festivals Epiphany Dance Community culture Community rites Religious rites Catholics Dancers | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_audio.jpg |
Greek Dance Workshop at the 1990 Florida Folk Festival (Florida Folklife Area)
- Date
- 1990-05-26
- Description
- One reel to reel recording. The presenters were from Tarpon Springs. Each year at the Florida Folk Festival, the Florida Folklife Program emphasized a particular culture, tradtions, or geographic area. In 1990, they emphasized celebrations of various Florida groups. including Haitians, Trinidadians, Greeks, and Jewish peoples.
- Collection
a_s1576_t90-073 | Greek Epiphany Traditions Workshop at the 1990 Florida Folk Festival (Florida Folklife Area) | Sound | Folk festivals Folklore revival festivals Festivals Special events Workshops (Adult education) Demonstrations Greek Americans Holidays and festivals Epiphany Oral communication Community culture Community rites Oral education Religious rites Catholics | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_audio.jpg |
Greek Epiphany Traditions Workshop at the 1990 Florida Folk Festival (Florida Folklife Area)
- Date
- 1990-05-26
- Description
- One reel to reel recording. The presenters were from Tarpon Springs. Each year at the Florida Folk Festival, the Florida Folklife Program emphasized a particular culture, tradtions, or geographic area. In 1990, they emphasized celebrations of various Florida groups. including Haitians, Trinidadians, Greeks, and Jewish peoples.
- Collection
a_s1576_t80-038 | Interview with an unidentified santero and Cuban immigrant Cookqui Hernandez | Sound | Santeros Healers Fieldwork Oral histories Interviews Personal experience narratives Santeria Religion Cuban Americans Latinos Religious rites Emigration and immigration Catholics Saints Santerios Purity, Ritual Specialty stores Beliefs and cultures Spanish language Health | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_audio.jpg |
Interview with an unidentified santero and Cuban immigrant Cookqui Hernandez
- Date
- 1980-04-02
- Description
- Four reel to reels. Santeria is a New World version of the African-based Yoruba religion that was combined with elements of Catholicism. Bulger interviews an unnamed Santero, a priest within the Santeria religion. They discuss the origins of the religions, various rituals and beliefs, botanicas, healing, and the roles of men and women in the religion. The interview is in Spanish, with Hernandez translating. There is also a short interview with Hernandez about emigrating to the United States from Cuba. Interview conducted for a slide/tape program on Cuban-Americans, a copy of which can be found on T80-95.
- Collection
a_s1708_04_tape22 | Interview with Archbishop Nickolus Ilnyckyj | Sound | Priests Fieldwork Oral histories Life histories Sound recordings Interviews Religion Ukrainian Americans Catholics Churches Christianity | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_audio.jpg |
Interview with Archbishop Nickolus Ilnyckyj
- Date
- 1987-04-12
- Description
- One audio cassette. Ilnyckyj was a retired Ukrainian bishop from Fort Port, Florida. The Florida Folk Arts Survey was conducted in 1987 by folklorists Tina Bucuvalis, Steve Frangos, Merri Belland, and Barbara Seitz as preliminary research for a joint folk art between the Florida Folklife Program and the Florida Museum of History. The field researchers focused on those areas previously overlooked by FFP staff. The research focused on identifying folk artists and locating appropriate exhibit objects.
- Collection
a_s1576_22_c86-192 | Interview with Cuban baker Bobby Ulloa | Sound | Fieldwork Interviews Occupational groups Food preparation Bread Oral histories Life histories Food industry and trade Cuban Americans Cookery (Guava) Cookery, Cuban Bakery Baked products Holidays and festivals Medicine Latinos Cooking and dining Emigration and immigration Naming practices Catholics Games Bakers and bakeries Cooks | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_audio.jpg |
Interview with Cuban baker Bobby Ulloa
- Date
- 1985-08-15
- Description
- Two audio cassettes. Cassettes are of Cuban cooks who owned and ran the Cuban Bakery of Jacksonville. They discuss emigrating to the US in the 1960s; Bobby's father opening the bakery in 1970; teaching college; various products sold: guava paste, black beans, baked ham, and pork; Cuban bread; types and methods of making; pastries; Cuban sweet bread; working conditions in a bakery; Jacksonville's Cuban American community; learning English; family holiday traditions; Catholicism; Spanish naming traditions; Cuban games; Botonicas and traditional medicine; and American reactions to Cuba. The Folk Arts in Education Project in Duval County was a joint venture between the Duval County School System and the Florida Folklife Program. It was started in 1984 by folklorist David Taylor with funding from the National Endowment for the Arts to add to existing social studies curriculum. The project consisted of field research to identify local traditions and folk artists, a series of five two-day seminars to acquaint teachers with the use of folklore and folk arts, and in-school programs conducted by a folklorist and traditionalist which included visits by local folk artists. Taylor ran it until 1986. In 1988, Gregory Hansen re-initiated it with minor changes.
- Collection
a_s1576_21_c86-146 | Interview with Father Robert Baker | Sound | Fieldwork Interviews Oral histories Personal experience narratives Life histories Shrimpers (persons) Occupational folklore Seafood gathering Seafood industry Religion Catholics Fishers Christianity Fishing Priests | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_audio.jpg |
Interview with Father Robert Baker
- Date
- 1985-02-07
- Description
- One audio cassette. Interview begins on SIDE TWO of tape. Father Baker, priest for the Basilica Cathedral of St. Augustine, discusses the St. Augustine Blessing of the Fleet. He gives details of the strong Italian Catholic population in St. Augustine as well as a general support for religious/cultural events within the city. He elaborates on the symbolism and ceremony of the Blessing, as well as outlining its religious significance. Interview conducted during fieldwork for video documentary on Florida shrimping called Fishing All My Days, and was made by the Florida Folklife Program, and the University of Florida (WUFT-TV). A transcript of the interview can be found in S 1579, box 1, folder: C86-99 through C86-149.
- Collection
a_s1576_22_c86-173 | Interview with Harriet Pepps | Sound | Dog trainers Fieldwork Interviews Oral histories Life histories Greek Americans Church membership Church services Churches Catholics Christianity Community culture Family history Religion Religious rites Rites and ceremonies | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_audio.jpg |
Interview with Harriet Pepps
- Date
- 1984-07-30
- Description
- One audio cassette. Pepps discusses Jacksonville's Greek community; the Greek Orthodox Church; her family background; Greek schools; marriages; St. John the Divine Greek Orthodox Church and its religious traditions, holy bread, church services, and its congregation. The Folk Arts in Education Project in Duval County was a joint venture between the Duval County School System and the Florida Folklife Program. It was started in 1984 by folklorist David Taylor with funding from the National Endowment for the Arts to add to existing social studies curricula. The project consisted of field research to identify local traditions and folk artists, a series of five two-day seminars to acquaint teachers with the use of folklore and folk arts,and in-school programs conducted by a folklorist and traditionalist which included visits by local folk artists. Taylor ran it until 1986. In 1988, Gregory Hansen re-initiated it with minor changes.
- Collection
a_s1576_22_c86-174 | Interview with Jacksonville Greek festival manager William Bacalis | Sound | Fieldwork Interviews Oral histories Life histories Sound recordings Festivals Emigration and immigration Catholics Greek Americans Family history Christianity | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_audio.jpg |
Interview with Jacksonville Greek festival manager William Bacalis
- Date
- 1984-07-27
- Description
- One audio cassette. Bacalis, who at the time of interview a business manager at Methodist Hospital, was born in Virginia and moved to Jacksonville in 1955. He discusses his Greek parents;the Greek Orthodox Church; Greek schools; the first festival in 1978; planning for the festivals; Greek food; and maintaining Greek traditions across the generations. The Folk Arts in Education Project in Duval County was a joint venture between the Duval County School System and the Florida Folklife Program. It was started in 1984 by folklorist David Taylor with funding from the National Endowment for the Arts to add to existing social studies curriculum. The project consisted of field research to identify local traditions and folk artists, a series of five two-day seminars to acquaint teachers with the use of folklore and folk arts, and in-school programs conducted by a folklorist and traditionalist, which included visits by local folk artists. Taylor ran it until 1986. In 1988, Gregory Hansen re-initiated it with minor changes.
- Collection
a_s1576_21_c86-144 | Interview with Monsignor Daniel Hegerty | Sound | Fieldwork Interviews Chaplains, Hospital Personal experience narratives Shrimpers (persons) Religion Occupational folklore Seafood gathering Seafood industry Christianity Oral history Fishers Catholics Fishing Priests Chaplains | /fpc/memory/omeka_images/thumbnails/catalog_audio.jpg |
Interview with Monsignor Daniel Hegerty
- Date
- 1985-03-20
- Description
- One audio cassette. Hegerty, a chaplain at St. Vincents Hospital, describes the beginnings of the Blessing of the Fleet in St. Augustine, going back to his first encounters with the fishermen of West Augustine and individual boat blessings, to the large annual procession that it became. He discusses the pageantry of the event, as well as the significance behind it. He also discusses the European roots behind the tradition. There are places throughout the interview where Hegerty asks that the tape be turned off. Interview conducted during fieldwork for video documentary on Florida shrimping called Fishing All My Days, and was made by the Florida Folklife Program, and the University of Florida (WUFT-TV).
- Collection