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Collection ID is exactly "1" AND Creator is exactly "Woodard, Elsie Dott, 1914-1990"
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Field recording compilation for the National Federation of Music Clubs

Field recording compilation for the National Federation of Music Clubs

Second part of one reel-to-reel tape. Psenka performs traditional Czech music accompaniment for a beseda, the Czech national folk dance. Psenka and the dancers were from Masaryktown. Tomazin (concertina), from Samsula, is accompanied by a young Yugoslavian student on steel guitar. Griffis, from Fargo, Ga., tells a tall tale. Swails (fiddle), from Branford, Whitehead, from Sarasota, and Fowler, from Live Oak, demonstrate straw-beating by hitting straws against the fiddle strings. Weldon (vocals), from Gainesville, is accompanied by Moore, from Denver, Col., on autoharp. Moon (Celtic harp, vocals) was from Gainesville. Paul Woodard (musical saw) and his wife, Elsie (piano), were from Bushnell. McDaniel, from Live Oak, performs with two harmonica, playing one with his nose. Pavitt, from Sarasota, performs an original composition about Hurricane Donna (1960). The Southern Railway Extra Gang No. 4 is led by foreman Simpson, and consists of railway workers Clark, Roberts, Goodwin, Jackson and Oliver; this field recording was made in 1958 near the rail station in White Springs.

These recordings, originally made by Boltin and sent to archivist Annabel Morris Buchanan of the National Federation of Music Clubs (NFMC) in 1962, were copied by the Florida Folklife Program from a 7-inch reel-to-reel in the American Folklife Center, Library of Congress, numbered AFS 14,006.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
a_s1576_t86-227bField recording compilation for the National Federation of Music ClubssoundTrack-lining songs
Tall tales
Field recordings
African Americans
Czech Americans
Yugoslav Americans
Folk music--United States