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Stephen Foster Memorial Radio Program: Folk Music (30-minute version)

Stephen Foster Memorial Radio Program: Folk Music (30-minute version)

One reel to reel recording (29:20 minutes). Various performances from the Foster Memorial's audio library. Includes a speech by Boltin to the Florida Federation of Music Clubs. There is also a 15-minute version. These radio programs were created in the early 1960s by the Stephen Foster Memorial to promote the park and its activities, as well as to educate the public about Stephen Foster and Florida folk music.
Identifier Title Type Subject Thumbnail
a_s2042_sfm_47Stephen Foster Memorial Radio Program: Folk Music (30-minute version)SoundRadio
Documentaries Radio
Radio programs, Public service
Performing arts
Folk singers
Speeches, addresses, etc.
Religious songs
Music performance
Radio announcing
Advertising, Public service
Spiritual music
Spirituals (Songs)
Choir singing
Choirs (music)